Completion Date Revealed For Barcelona’s Famous Sagrada Familia

Completion Date Revealed For Barcelona’s Famous Sagrada Familia

March 26, 2024


Barcelona, Spain - After over a century and four decades in construction, Barcelona's iconic Sagrada Familia basilica is finally nearing completion. Officials have confirmed the project's target date of 2026, marking a significant milestone for this architectural marvel.

The Sagrada Familia Foundation, the organization managing the basilica, announced last week that finishing the final tower will signify the structural completion of the project. The statement, coinciding with the release of the 2023 annual report, detailed the expected timelines: The Chapel of the Assumption by 2025 and the pinnacle – the Jesus Christ tower – by 2026.

Completion Date Revealed For Barcelona’s Famous Sagrada Familia

Standing at a staggering 172.5 meters (566 feet) with a 17-meter (56-foot) cross, the Jesus Christ tower will propel the Sagrada Familia to the title of the world's tallest church, surpassing Ulm Minster in Germany.

Sagrada Familia: A Testament to Gaudí's Vision

Construction of the Sagrada Familia began in 1882 under the visionary architect Antoni Gaudí. His design called for a monumental basilica adorned with 18 elaborate towers symbolizing biblical figures. Sadly, when Gaudí died in 1926, only an estimated 10-15% of the project was complete, including a transept, the crypt, and parts of the apse wall.

Completion Date Revealed For Barcelona’s Famous Sagrada Familia

The already slow progress was further hampered by the Spanish Civil War in the late 1930s. This turbulent period resulted in the destruction of much of Gaudí's original plans and models, tragically buried with the architect himself beneath the cathedral. Today's construction relies on surviving and reconstructed materials, alongside adaptations inspired by Gaudí's vision.

A Long and Storied Journey

Despite its UNESCO World Heritage Site designation in 1984 and consecration by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010, a surprising fact emerged in 2016: the Sagrada Familia lacked a building permit for its entire 137-year construction history! This anomaly was finally rectified in 2019 when Barcelona's city council officially granted the necessary permit.

Completion Date Revealed For Barcelona’s Famous Sagrada Familia

The reasons behind the extended construction timeline are multifaceted. Gaudí's intricate design, the challenges of interpreting his work after his demise, and the Spanish Civil War all played their part. Funding was also a concern for many years, but the project is now supported by a combination of anonymous donations and revenue from ticket sales.

The Sagrada Familia, standing as a testament to Gaudí's genius and unwavering dedication, is now the most photographed architectural landmark in Barcelona. With its 2026 completion date on the horizon, the world eagerly awaits the unveiling of this architectural masterpiece in its entirety.

Completion Date Revealed For Barcelona’s Famous Sagrada Familia