Georgia Guidestones: A Monument to Reason or a Satanic Edifice?

Georgia Guidestones: A Monument to Reason or a Satanic Edifice?

February 22, 2024

From its construction in 1980 to its destruction in 2022, the Georgia Guidestones stood as one of the most controversial and intriguing granite monuments ever erected. Located in Elbert County, Georgia, near the South Carolina border, the Guidestones were a set of 10 granite slabs inscribed with a message for future generations.

Origins and Design:

The Guidestones were commissioned by an anonymous individual under the pseudonym R.C. Christian. Christian claimed to represent a group of people who wanted to leave a message for future generations about how to create a better world. The monument was designed to be a "compass" for humanity, guiding us towards an "Age of Reason."

Georgia Guidestones: A Monument to Reason or a Satanic Edifice?

Physical Description:

The Guidestones were 19.3 feet tall and weighed a total of 237,746 pounds. They consisted of four main slabs, a central "gnomon" stone, and a capstone. The slabs were inscribed with a message in eight different languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, and Hindi.

The Ten Principles:

The message on the Guidestones consisted of ten principles that Christian believed were essential for human survival and prosperity. These principles included:

  • Maintaining humanity under 500 million people in balance with nature.

  • Guiding reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.

  • Uniting humanity with a living new language.

  • Ruling passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.

  • Protecting people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

  • Letting all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

  • Avoiding petty laws and useless officials.

  • Balancing personal rights with social duties.

  • Cherishing truth, beauty, love - seeking harmony with the infinite.

  • Being a cancer to the earth - no room for humans - give nature a chance.

Georgia Guidestones: A Monument to Reason or a Satanic Edifice?

Controversy and Destruction:

The Guidestones were a source of controversy from the very beginning. Some people saw them as a positive message for humanity, while others viewed them as a sinister plot to control the world.

In 2022, the Guidestones were partially destroyed by a bomb. The FBI investigated the bombing but no arrests were made. The remaining stones were later demolished by the Elbert County government.

Georgia Guidestones: A Monument to Reason or a Satanic Edifice?


The Georgia Guidestones are now gone, but the debate about their meaning and significance continues. Whether you saw them as a beacon of hope or a harbinger of doom, there is no doubt that they were a unique and fascinating monument.

Additional Information:

  • The Georgia Guidestones were also known as the "American Stonehenge."

  • The Guidestones were aligned with astronomical events such as the solstices and equinoxes.

  • A museum in Elberton, Georgia, exhibits a scale model of the Guidestones and information about their history.