
"It's never too late" Leah Remini Encourages Others to Pursue Education

March 31, 2024

Actress Leah Remini, known for her role on "King of Queens," is inspiring others to chase their educational dreams at any age. Remini recently revealed on social media that she has earned an associate's degree from New York University (NYU) at the age of 53.

A Terrifying Journey

"Three years ago, I embarked on a terrifying journey: becoming a college student at the age of 50," Remini wrote on a social media platform.

"It's never too late" Leah Remini Encourages Others to Pursue Education

This journey was particularly challenging for Remini, who had only an eighth-grade education prior to enrolling at NYU. She attributes this limited education to spending a significant portion of her life involved with the Church of Scientology, which she left in 2013.

"I desperately wanted a higher education for many years but didn't move forward because I feared I wasn't smart enough," Remini shared. "Even though I had managed to leave Scientology, three decades of brainwashing still gripped my mind."

"It's never too late" Leah Remini Encourages Others to Pursue Education

Three Years Of Hard Work

Despite the difficulties, Remini persevered.  She recently shared a photo of her NYU diploma, acknowledging the "three years of hard work, long nights, tears, and wanting to give up so many times" it took to achieve her associate's degree.

Remini expressed her gratitude to her support system, including her husband, daughter, family, friends, therapist, tutor, NYU professors, and even her social media followers.  "So many of you have gotten me through the most challenging times," she wrote. "I have read many of your comments and drawn inspiration from them."

"It's never too late" Leah Remini Encourages Others to Pursue Education

Leah Remini Broader Message She Hopes To Convey

While acknowledging her own privilege in being able to pursue higher education, Remini highlighted the broader message she hopes to convey: "Over the past three years, I've heard from thousands of people, especially women, who have decided to take the leap at an older age and get their GED or pursue a college education."

Remini concluded by emphasizing the importance of lifelong learning: "It's never too late to continue your education and pursue what you have always wanted to achieve for yourself!"